Puzzle 3: Team-work

Can you get this TEAM to WORK?
You won!


The ability of humans to work together or cooperate has played a major part in our success.

When we work together we can achieve so much more, and human's by and large are great at it (YMMV). We're so prone to cooperation that Darwin viewed it as a challenge to his theory of natural selection. After all natural selection largely works on behaviours that benefit the individual and their offspring. General, societal cooperation didn't fit this pattern.

Science Direct: The evolution of human cooperation


Change the first word to the second word. (e.g. change "TEAM" to "WORK")

Each turn must create a valid word.

You start with 100 points. Each turn costs you points.

You can do one of the following on your turn.

Replace a letter (-5 pts)
Add a letter (-10 pts)
Remove a letter (-10 pts)

You can also rearrange the letters by dragging (-1pt).

Good luck!

1Let's Go!stopstart